Community developers build things, but community development is about the people who live in the buildings. The Resident Assets program helps our residents sustain their housing and succeed in life.
Residents of all ages can engage in a variety of activities that support positive relationships, personal growth, and community resiliency.
We offer after-school programming at five sites, summer camps, youth photography programs, field trips, adult enrichment workshops, community gardening, emergency loans, and free mobile markets. At Lents Village, our senior housing, we have a Meals on Wheels dining room that serves meals to seniors from the community every weekday.
In the coming years we are focusing on family health and stability and eviction prevention. We will be stepping up our asset-building programming by adding ESL classes, computer labs, and financial education classes.
“Our major service that we provide is affordable housing, but I think there is a huge universal understanding within this organization that housing is more than just housing.”
– Irene, former board president