Impact Stories
Celia struggled through high school. She was working hard but was diagnosed with a learning disability and felt shy. Then, one spring she decided to attend the Youth Empowerment Series through the Lents Youth Initiative (LYI).
LYI workshops are designed by teenagers and focus on issues that are important to them, like social justice, environmental justice, and learning leadership skills. Once teens complete the training series they are eligible to apply for a paid internship with ROSE and other community partners.
Celia applied for an internship and was placed with ROSE’s Resident Assets Team. She worked with another intern and ROSE’s Resident Assets Coordinators to plan a free summer camp for elementary age youth.
Celia loved her time with the Lents Youth Initiative. Her favorite experience was designing and leading a photography camp for kids. “It was so fun getting to work with all the kids in a program we created. I feel comfortable stepping up as a leader.”